Monday, December 5, 2011

30 Days of Drawing Challenge

There are so many times that random "challenge lists" will go around Facebook like, book challenge, song challenge or photo challenges, all of which I have completely ignored. But today I found one (thought it's a tad old...) which I think I will accept: the 30 days of drawing challenge. But instead of posting on Facebook I'll be posting here (so take that Facebook, I'll take your challenge but not include you in it! Ha!) are the challenge topics:

Day 1 - yourself
Day 2 - favorite animal
Day 3 - favorite food
Day 4 - favorite place
Day 5 - best friend
Day 6 - favorite book
Day 7 - favorite movie
Day 8 - favorite animated character
Day 9 - favorite tv show
Day 10 - favorite candy
Day 11 - turning point in your life
Day 12 - most recent accomplishment
Day 13 - comic
Day 14 - favorite fairytale
Day 15 - family picture
Day 16 - inspiration
Day 17 - favorite plant
Day 18 - just a doodle
Day 19 - something new
Day 20 - something orange
Day 21 - something you want
Day 22 - something you miss
Day 23 - something you need
Day 24 - a couple
Day 25 - scenery
Day 26 - something you don't like
Day 27 - someone you love
Day 28 - anything you'd like
Day 29 - a place you want to go
Day 30 - a congrats banner for finishing the challenge

Let's get started!

Day 1: yourself

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