Thursday, July 21, 2011

Homemade Shrinky-dinks

Shrinky-dinks, I remember them as a kid. I'm pretty sure my brother and I only them once, but I remember coloring a little smurf, cutting it out and placing it on a cookie try and my mom putting it in our oven. And then, just like magic, I has a tiny little smurf!

Over the winter I was putting together an eco art/recycle art guide when I happened upon homemade shrinky-dinks. I'm pretty sure everyone in the office heard my little gasp of excitement and giggle as I thought about getting my hands on some #6 plastic and a toaster oven. My co-worker brought in a toaster oven and I pulled some #6 plastic out of the recycling bins, and for a day or two you could hear little "dings" coming from my cube as I tired shrinking different plastic. I found was that not all # 6 plastic is created equal. Some types shrink up real tiny and cute, others barely shrink at all, and some curl up into a little wad. Colored #6 was the worst. But, what fun! Why buy shrinky-dink paper at $3.00 a sheet when you can use a #6 plastic take out box?!?!

before shrinking and after shrinking.

Needs: clear #6 plastic, permanent markers, scissors, aluminum foil or metal tray, shrinky-dink machine (aka—oven or toaster oven), hole punch


1. Cut your #6 plastic into the shape that you want your creation to be; however keep in mind that this shape should be BIG, as it will shrink up to about a third of the size you started with.

2. Color on your plastic with permanent markers.

3. Punch a hole in your plastic if you would like to put it on a necklace or keychain. Again, keep in mind that the hole will shrink with the rest of the plastic

4. Set shrinky-dink machine to 150-250 F depending on your oven or toaster oven.

5. Place plastic into SD machine and watch! The plastic will move and curl, but you know it is done when it stops moving and is flat. **If your machine is too hot then your plastic will curl into itself and will get stuck together. ***Also, you do not have to shrink your plastic to it's smallest form. Try experimenting with taking your plastic out at different times.

6. Take your plastic out of SD machine and let cool.

7. Show everyone your awesome shrinky-dink creation!

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